Awareness Program at Sri Lanka Air Force Trade Training School – Ekala on 25th of November 2024
We conducted an awareness program at the Sri Lanka Air Force Trade Training School in Ekala on November 25, 2024. Approximately 200 personnel from various departments of the SLAF participated in the program. The event was coordinated by Area Manager Mr. Athula, and the sessions included presentations delivered by Mr. Epa and Mr. Janaka onContinue reading “Awareness Program at Sri Lanka Air Force Trade Training School – Ekala on 25th of November 2024”
Vehicle Emission Awareness Program for All Drivers at Karapitiya Hospital on September 3, 2024
Awareness Conducted for Western Province School Children Transport Owners Association on 31st July 2024
Our religious activities
සංස්කෘතිමය විවිධත්වය අගය කරන ඩ්රයිව් ග්රීන් අප ආයතනය විසින් සියලු ආගම් නියෝජන පරිදි ආගමික ක්රියාකාරකම් සංවිධානය කිරීමට කටයුතු කරන ලදී. ඒ අනුව, අප ගම්පහ මධ්යස්ථානයේදී සර්ව රාත්රික පිරිත් සජ්ඣායනයක් පවත්වා පසු දින සාංඝික දානයක් ද පූජා කළ අතර,තේවත්ත බැසිලිකා දේවස්ථානයෙදී කතෝලික දේව මෙහෙයක් ද, යාපනය මධ්යස්ථානයේදී ගණදෙවි පූජාවක් ද, අක්කරෙයිපත්තුව මධ්යස්ථානයේදී ඉස්ලාමීය ආගමික උත්සවයක් ද,Continue reading “Our religious activities”
New opening of Drivegreen Matara
We opened our new Emission Testing Center at No: 204, Mahapelawatta, Thudawa, Matara , with the aim of providing convenient and efficient service to our valued customers. Drivegreen ආයතනය විසින් අපගේ වටිනා පාරිභෝගිකයින් උදෙසා පහසුදායක සහ කාර්යක්ෂම සේවයක් ලබාදීමේ අරමුණින් නො: 204, මහපැළවත්ත, තුඩාව, මාතර යන ස්ථානයේ අපගේ නව විමෝචන පරීක්ෂණ මධ්යස්ථානය විවෘත කර ඇත.Continue reading “New opening of Drivegreen Matara”
New opening of Our Galle Emission Testing Center
We opened our new Emission Testing Center at No. 188, Parana Matara Road, Galle, with the aim of providing convenient and efficient service to our valued customers. Drivegreen ආයතනය විසින් අපගේ වටිනා පාරිභෝගිකයින් උදෙසා පහසුදායක සහ කාර්යක්ෂම සේවයක් ලබාදීමේ අරමුණින් ගාල්ල පරණ මාතර පාරේ අංක 188 දරන ස්ථානයේ අපගේ නව විමෝචන පරීක්ෂණ මධ්යස්ථානය විවෘත කරContinue reading “New opening of Our Galle Emission Testing Center”
Cleanco Lanka (Private) Ltd donated essential medicines to the National Institute of Mental Health
පසුගිය සිකුරාදා දින ක්ලීන්කෝ ලංකා (පුද්ගලික) සමාගම විසින් ජාතික මානසික සෞඛ්ය ආයතනය වෙත අත්යවශ්ය ඖෂධ පරිත්යාග කරන ලදී. පවතින අර්බුදකාරී තත්ත්වය හේතුවෙන් රෝහල තුළ දැඩි ඖෂධ හිඟයක් පවතින අතර, රෝහලේ නේවාසිකව සිටින රෝගීන් බොහොමයකට පිටතින් හෝ ඖෂධ ගෙනැවිත් දීමට ඥාතීන් හෝ භාරකරුවන් නොමැති තත්ත්වයක් තුළ අප ආයතනය විසින් මෙම සමාජ සත්කාරය සිදුකරන ලදී. எமது கிளிங்கோContinue reading “Cleanco Lanka (Private) Ltd donated essential medicines to the National Institute of Mental Health”
Kankaniyamulla environmental zone cleaning and awareness program
The Kankaniyamulla environmental zone cleaning and awareness program was carried out by Kuliapitiya Site Office, Pannala Pradeshiya Sabha, Saranath Vidyalaya, Eriyagolla College and the villagers under the initiative of DriveGreen. 2022/11/10 දින කංකානියමුල්ල පරිසර කලාපය පිරිසිදු කිරීමේ හා දැනුවත් කිරීමේ වැඩසටහන ඩ්රයිව්ග්රින් ආයතනය මුලිකත්වයෙන් කුලියාපිටිය අඩවි වන කාර්යාලය, පන්නල ප්රාදේශීය සභාව, සාරානත් විද්යලය, ඊරියගොල්ල විදුහලContinue reading “Kankaniyamulla environmental zone cleaning and awareness program”
Blood donation program arranged by Drivegreen – Jaffna
Warm wishes to all blood donors worldwide and we appreciate their maximum contribution to saving a life. We take this opportunity to thank all our staff members who donated blood in the annual blood donation camps arranged by Drivegreen. Our team is committed to helping you when you are in need of blood to saveContinue reading “Blood donation program arranged by Drivegreen – Jaffna”
Sri Pada Visit and cleaning campaign was conducted by the Drivegreen Team on 220th May 2022 for the forth consecutive year to remove plastic, polythene and other litter polluting the area
Magastotte Hill Climb 2021
DriveGreen joins hand with the Ceylon Motor Sport club in 87th Magastotte Hill Climb on 3rd and 4th April 2021. Drivegreeen conducted a study on the emission of the vehicles that participated in the event. There were several positive feedbacks were received from the participant of this event regarding the vehicle emission testing program implementedContinue reading “Magastotte Hill Climb 2021”
Planted 300 “Mee” saplings at Kukule Ganga Hydro Power Station premises
We were invited by Thuruliya Lanka Foundation to be planted 300 “Mee” saplings at Kukule Ganga Hydro Power Station premises on 27th March 2021 with the participation of Government and private sector. Lasath Kulathunga and his team were representing our company to this wonderful occasion. Our team contributed vastly to this programme and planted 200Continue reading “Planted 300 “Mee” saplings at Kukule Ganga Hydro Power Station premises”
Special training for MUSSD staff in VET Office.
Session was successfully conducted on 2021-03-24 at VET Office.
ඩ්රයිව්ග්රීන් සමාජ මෙහෙවරේ තවත් එක් පියවරක්..
නියාගම ජාතික වෘත්තීය පුහුණු මධ්යස්ථානය සතු 2017 වසරේදී ගංවතුරට හසුව විනාශයට පත්ව අතහැර දමා තිබූ විමෝචන වායු විශ්ලේෂකය (Exhaust Gas Analyzer) ඩ්රයිව්ග්රීන් ආයතනය විසින් නැවත සකස්කර එම මධ්යස්ථානය වෙත භාර දීම 2020-01-05 දින සිදුවිය. මෙම යන්ත්රය ක්රියාවිරහිතව තිබීම හේතුවෙන් නියාගම පුහුණු මධ්යස්ථානයේ මෝටර් කාර්මික පාඨමාලාව හදාරණ සිසුන් හට, වායු විමෝචනය සම්බන්ධ ප්රායෝගික ක්රියාකාරකම් මඟහැරී තිබූ අවස්ථාවක, අපContinue reading “ඩ්රයිව්ග්රීන් සමාජ මෙහෙවරේ තවත් එක් පියවරක්..”
Drivegreen Extended the ISO/ IEC 17020:2012 Accreditation
DRIVEGREEN, the government authorized Vehicle Emission Testing Provider received the ISO/ IEC 17020:2012 accreditation in year 2016 from the Sri Lanka Accreditation Board (SLAB) for the first time in South Asian region for managing and increasing the quality, accuracy of Vehicle Emission Testing and implementing process controls, efficiency of the procedures. However, this internationally recognizedContinue reading “Drivegreen Extended the ISO/ IEC 17020:2012 Accreditation”
150 Kubuk trees planted at Diyasaru Uyana in Battaramulla
This CSR project was done by Our Staff Members on 15th of August 2020.
Rehabilitation work of the Kirindegama tank, Mihintale
Rehabilitation work of the Kirindegama tank, Mihintale was commenced on 17-11-2020 as the first step of the pilot project to rehabilitate 5,000 tanks island-wide. We were also invited to the inaugural event and were able to contribute to the tree planting program that was launched in parallel. Accordingly, we were able to collect about 350 saplingsContinue reading “Rehabilitation work of the Kirindegama tank, Mihintale”
Special Blood Donation Campaign 2020
Special Blood Donation Campaign was held on 07th of March 2020 in blood banks island wide. we were able to donate 150+ blood units from our volunteer staff members.
CRS Activity – Cleaning Programme in Karaitivu Beach
This CSR project was done by Zone 12 Cleanco Staff Members on 4th of February 2020.
Almsgiving Program at Rathnapura Station
Almsgiving Program held on 2019 September 28 at Rathnapura Station
Cleanco Annual Blood Donation Campaign 2019
Cleanco Annual Blood Donation Campaign 2019 successfully held on 07th of Sep 2019 in blood banks island wide. 16 No’s of Blood banks were able to donate 200+ blood units from our volunteer staff members.
Nuwarawewa Cleaning Programme
This CSR project was done by Zone 14 Cleanco Staff Members on 23rd June 2019.
Poson Dansal From Drivegreen Team
Drivegreen Team organized an Ice Cream Dansal in Nittabuwa, Bath Dansal in Thambuttegama and Seeni Sambal Dansal in Kurunagala in line to celebrate poson poya festival.
Sri Pada visit and cleaning campaign
Sri Pada Visit and cleaning campaign was conducted by the Drivegreen Team on 24th May 2019 for the third consecutive year to remove plastic, polythene and other litter polluting the area.
Beach Cleaning Programme in Bambalapitiya to Colpitty
This CSR project was done by Zone 4 Cleanco Staff Members on 31st of March 2019.
Beach Cleaning Programme in Matara
This CSR project was done by Zone 1 Cleanco Staff Members on 18th of October 2019.
10th Better Air Quality 2018 International Conference
Drivegreen officials participated for the 10th Better Air Quality 2018 international conference which was organized by Clean Air Asia together with the Clean Air Forum Society of Malaysia (MyCAS), Malaysia’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and the Natural Resources and Environment Board of Sarawak which was held at the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching inContinue reading “10th Better Air Quality 2018 International Conference”
CSR projects
CSR project initiated by Cleanco Lanka(pvt) limited to uplift education in rural villagers. Cleanco lanka(pvt)ltd distributed essentials items for the students. The first program – Saliyamala Maha Vidyalaya in Pemaduwa. The second program – Ganekanda Primary School in Moragollagama
Joined hands to plant 200+ trees
Drivegreen team joined hands to plant 200+ trees in Kahatuduwa Southern Highway Exit.
Better Air Quality – Integrated conference 2014 – Colombo
2016-09-29 Better Air Quality – Integrated conference 2014 – Colombo Active participation and demonstration on the south asian most successful vehiculer emission testing program at the BAQ 2014 conference at BMICH – Colombo.
Sri Lanka’s first IS0 17020 accreditation for vehicle emission testing goes to DriveGreen
2016-09-29 Sri Lanka’s first IS0 17020 accreditation for vehicle emission testing goes to DriveGreen Driving up inspection quality wins DriveGreen Sri Lanka’s first ISO 17020 Accreditation for vehicle emission testing.